Thursday, July 25, 2013

Thursday, July 25, reflection and Atomic Learning.  Resources for teachers to use in designing their learning as needed in the course of the work. has tutorials on teaching using the iPad.  This would be a good place for many to start, to avoid the "low tech use of high-tech equipment" (thanks, Bobby!).

From yesterday:  I used the three components of meaningful work, Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose to convince my admin. assistant that adding 20 days to her calendar was just giving her more of a good thing.

The deterioration of divergent thinking is akin to Pink's writings on the decline of the six skills with age (and with education!).

Note to self: Yong Zhao's interview with Daniel Pink.

iTunes U: Something to share with, particularly, my high school teachers.  All free? However, couldn't find the iTunesU on iTunes or couldn't download the app.  Seems to be a common problem, from the comments section on the site.

MOOC:  Massive Online Open Course.  Opportunities for high school credit acquisition?  Follow up on legality of awarding credit based on MOOC content.  See for compilation.

NWRESD has an online school, ORVED, that is specifically designed to keep kids connected to their home school while allowing them the opportunity to take remedial or enrichment coursework that is not available or accessible to them in the home school.  Families or districts pay the cost, while ADM stays with the home district.

Keynote.  Good looking presentation aids.  Apple product.  Lots of good ideas for website and presentation development.  I should have procrastinated on starting my presentation for tomorrow.  As it is, I do have quite a bit of clip art included.  Not the cute stuff, though...


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. One of my favorite entries from the week:

    "From yesterday: I used the three components of meaningful work, Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose to convince my admin. assistant that adding 20 days to her calendar was just giving her more of a good thing."
    Yes, don't miss the Yong Zhao interview with Dan Pink. Just running out of time!

  3. You are welcome (not sure what I did) but thank you for listing Lynda & Atomic I need to go check them out.
